Everyone wants to know what this means, right? This basically means at any point from here on out we could potentially get dates. Its possible that we could leave as early as THIS MONTH. Talk about crazy fast right !!! I am trying to prepare myself for that possibility because up to now we had anticipated an October invitation. We need to have everything in place and ready to go, in case we don't get a ton of heads up. Two other families in our group got FIVE days notice, talk about a panic attack. But we are so excited for them to finally meet their littles ! We will pack the kids and the dogs suitcases (no, the dog does not have clothes silly - but she is getting some new toys and bones for while we are away). They will all be going to stay with my mother in law who is an absolute wonderful grandma who is dying to spend quality time with her grand-babies ! She hardly ever gets to see them because she lives so far away.
We are just praying that when the time comes that we have exactly what we need to travel. At this point we only have a couple hundred towards airfare, because we had to spend some of what we had sat aside to get my passport quickly. I know its a big prayer , but please specifically pray that when we get the email that we have been invited over that we will magically have just enough to cover the airfare and expenses to go.
Someone else asked if this was our "Bringing Home" trip, sadly it is not. This trip we will go for one week, and visit with Owen each day. At the end of the week we will tell his country that we want him, and they will officially put him "on hold" for us. After that we will come home, and they will finish up some paper work on their side of things and invite us back for our Bring home trip. This should theoretically be about 3-4 months from when we get back home. But his country seems to be moving FAST. We just sent our dossier about 7 weeks ago and the Prime Minister wasnt supposed to get it for another 5-10 weeks...
For trip one we have both fees needed , what we do not have is the airfare. This could be as much as $4,000 for us to go over. We are confident that God has a plan for this. He knows exactly where the money is coming from, even if we may not.
Once we get home we will need to start preparing for our second trip which like I said could be 3-4 months later, unless his government decides to move things mega fast again ;)
And for that trip we will need --
Our final agency fee- $3400
Our Hosting fee-- $4200
Airfare & expenses in country-- $6000 (We are hoping and praying this is a HIGH estimate.
Please continue praying our family through this process. We have felt the love and excitement from so many people and we appreciate the love and support everyone has shown. We are in the final stages now, almost to the finish line. If I were a runner ( hahahahaha, this is funny to anyone that knows me in real life ) I might could insert some knowledge about being at the end of a marathon but alas I am not, so I wont.
<-- My passport arrived !!

Its authenticated and sent off to Little Mans Country !!! -->
I so wish you were going the same time we are!! Praying for you!!