Sunday, November 22, 2015

Meeting with the Ministry of Justice and First Visit !

MOJ meeting.
The day we met the MOJ I was a ball of nerves. seriously. I had packed our clothes in our carry on, just in case our luggage was misplaced- it wasn't! Thank goodness! But I was terrified to meet him. Everyone kept saying it was easy peasy lemon squeasy but that did nothing for the knot in my stomach. We got our clothes ironed and on and we waited for nearly 30 minutes for our driver to pick us up. Where is that time when we are home? Ha ! Once we got there and met him I couldnt believe I was so nervous. He was super friendly and it was a really quick meeting. He let us know that we would be coming back at the end of the week for our final answer, and to enjoy meeting our little guy.

1st Visit.
Talk about nerves. Seriously I thought I would puke before the 15 minute car ride from our apartment to his orphanage was over. We had brought him a few small gifts, and we couldn't wait to meet him ! But I was still nervous. Would he like us? Would he hate us? Would he be scared? Scream? Hide? Yell.Bite.Kick or hit? Would he instantly attach to us? Would he cling to us and never want to let go( which isnt actually a good sign for his attachment.) All of the above?
We pulled up and rang the bell to be let in, one of the caregivers opened the door and smiled so big "Owen's parents!" We sent them a photo album awhile back so apparently they all knew our faces :) We were met by one of the sisters, and she was so excited for us to be there. She held my hands and said that he had been waiting for us for so long. She advised that we wait a second downstairs so that she could make sure he was ready. She walked into the room and he yelled "mama!" so she told him she would come down to get us.

Those stairs felt like a mile long. Just a few steps were all that were separating me from our boy. It felt like it was taking forever. 5 steps, 4 steps ,3 steps, 2,1. We opened the door and little man was just sitting there. I smiled at him, sat down  next to him and said "Hi. buddy." Really, those were the first words I ever said to my son. It seems so silly now, because in my head I had been thinking of all the perfect ways to tell him how much I loved him right as I saw him. But we just went with it. He asked them if I was really mama, and they told him yes. He looked at me and asked if I prayed for him. I did, buddy, I did. We went to another room where we gave him his gifts and just sat next to him. That boy seriously loves some stickers !

He also really enjoyed looking through our phones and seeing his brother and sister. There wasa picture of Ethan at school and Owen asked if he would get to go to school too. We told him he would most deffinitely get to go to school ! A little while later he decided he wanted to color with his friends, so while he did that we visited with some of the other sweet children.  He took a little while to warm up but he really seems to take to Tony, maybe its because there aren't a whole lot of males in his environment.

Our first visit ended around 530 because it was time for his supper and we didnt want our first visit to be too overwhelming for him, but we will be back tomorrow !

Our week gets so much better, so remember to check back and read some of the other posts !

I will be uploading some photos of our trip in a few days, but none will be of Owen. We have strict rules that we can not share his photo at all. I know that everyone wants to see him, because trust me he is gorgeous, but we need to wait until he is legally our child. This wont happen until 2nd trip, which is still several months and several thousands of dollars away;)


  1. It's nice to know what we have to look forward to!

    1. Its a wonderful experience, that first trip. I cant wait for you to go !

  2. Thank you for the early morning cry, great way to start the week. Brought back so many memories for me, including that the first words I ever said to our son (as he was being handed into my arms) were, "Mama's here."

    1. Aww. That is so sweet <3 "Mamas here" sounds better than "Hi buddy." hahaah Thank you for reading :)
