Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Six Days and a Matching Grant !

It is finally starting to sink in. We will have our sweet little boy in JUST SIX DAYS ! We found out this morning that we are being blessed with a matching grant from Anonymous Angels in the amount of $350 ! Once our FSP reads $7,900 they will match it and bring our FSP to $8,250 ! Its currently sitting at $7,743 :)

We are starting to count down the days to when our journey to Owen "officially begins". In our case, we will drive to NJ on Friday. We had contemplated driving up on Thursday , but decided that Friday was better so Ethan doesn't have to miss more school than absolutely necessary. We will arrive really late Friday night, on Saturday evening we will go to the airport which takes off at 12:45 am. Then we will spend 14.5 hours flying and land in Little Mans country at 12:30am Monday (their time).

So in that case : THREE days til we drive to NJ, FIVE days til we fly and SIX days until we are in little mans country! We have to wait until court is over to visit, and share photos but once we *can* I totally *will*!:)

 I am so happy my heart could burst ! It has been a long almost 4 months since we have seen him and held him. I am going to try to remember to video our reunion, but I forgot last time so no promises :)

Our bags are packed (and loaded in the van !! whoop whoop!), We have a few little things to do- oil change, loading the tablet, cleaning the house and making it welcoming etc etc. But we are READY ! 

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