Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Fasting, Trusting, and most of all Praying

Each year we begin the new year with a fast. We give up different things based on what we feel is most sacrificial. This year I gave up Facebook. I am also giving up Soda, Tea, Juice and animal based foods. The fast will be from Jan 3 - Jan 23. I realized that I was spending a lot of time on social media and less and less time with daily devotion. It was not an easy decision. Especially at this point in the adoption. I was worried that not being able to be on Facebook and sharing our story that people would forget about us, about Owen. But God never forgets. And he is always faithful. I was talking with a friend today and she shared something with me that really spoke to my heart. She shared: what God originates, He orchestrates. The how is never a problem for Him. How true this has been for us ! He has brought us on this incredible journey and provided every step of the way.

 Imagine my surprise when I checked our FSP and it had grown over $1000 since Sunday !!! Talk about Miracles. Seriously, I am blown away. Thank you so much to every single person who has donated to our account.

With the new FSP amount we now have our Post Placement fees covered ! Miracles.

Today is also a big step in the process for us. Our article 16 was sent off to USCIS. Once they process it we will get our travel dates to bring Owen home !! It generally takes about 3-4 weeks for them to process everything and most families travel 3-4 weeks later.

This means we could potentially be traveling in as little as 6-8 weeks !  We are so excited to finally have our little guy in our arms again, and our family whole. It has been so difficult to "do life" when one of your children is missing. He is always in our thoughts, everything we do we are acutely aware that there should be another hand to hold, another face to wash, another little one to tuck in at night. But, soon he will be here, and we will be together forever.

With the new donations this is what we have left : 
$4,600 Hosting fee- covers apartment, transportation and translator
$2,000 International Fee
$3,500-$4,500 Airfare/In country expenses (we hope this is a high estimate) 

This is what is covered for first trip :
$325 Owens Visa
$1,400 Post Placement Fees 

It seems like a lot of money to raise in just a few short weeks and it is. But God has his hand in this and he will see us through. Even when I feel like it is impossible I am reminded about this verse:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
 We are putting our entire process in Gods hands. He will pave the way and see it through.

As always, please keep our family in your prayers. That the funds will come at just the right time, because His timing is always perfect. And Please keep Owen in your prayers that his heart will be prepared to leave the only home he has ever known and join a family . Also that his brother and sister will be prepared for the new addition of a sibling.

Thank you so much, friends.


  1. That is so great, one grand in just a few days, woohoo! Now for the rest. :-)

  2. Its definitely an unexpected blessing. We are so thankful too <3 And I cant believe that in just a few short weeks we will get to be with Owen again :D
